5 South Park Episodes That Reflect The World We Live In


5. Black Friday Trilogy (Season 17, Episodes 7-9)

Cartman and Stan battle to get to the mall first to buy their PlayStation 4 and Xbox One’s on Black Friday. During their epic three episode battle the greed of South Park surfaced and consumed the town. By the end of the trilogy Cartman and the rest of the children walk through the mall with the floors covered in blood due to the warfare that took place over Don’t Tickle Me Elmo. The danger of materialism is the on going theme here.

Parents bum rushing Walmart at twelve midnight and even coming to blows shows how dominant materialism is in our society. Is a flat screen television sale worth trampling retail workers to death? Every year on Black Friday shoppers resort to ridiculous behavior and sometime violence just to take advantage of a sale. Materialism has plagued our society for decades now and it has gotten to the point where our community depends on it in order to keep our self esteem in tact.