Dwight Howard & Former First Lady Barbara Bush Team Up To Film Literacy PSAs

Houston Rockets star Dwight Howard and former first lady Barbara Bush have come together to film a few literacy PSAs with the intent on inspiring people to volunteer at schools and libraries. According to Bush’s foundation, “4 out of 5 Houston children lack strong literacy skills by the 4th grade.” Howard’s D12 Foundation also has a strong focus on early childhood education.

According to People, Howard and Bush made their way to the basketball court and the 90-year-old even tossed up a shot. The pair hugged it up for promotional photos while wearing Rockets jerseys.

Barbara’s son, Neil, who is also the co-chair of the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation was also there and gave his thoughts.


Dwight is a fun-loving guy. And mom is about as witty as they come at the age of 90. They were very playful. It was so cute to see this shrinking little 90-year-old with this big, tall virile guy get along so well.

The videos are slated to be released later into the month of February but you can see more photos from the shoot below.