There May Be a Physical Deluxe Edition of Kanye West’s “The Life of Pablo”

TIDAL what?

Perhaps you were among the 500K people who illegally downloaded The Life of Pablo this week or maybe you were among the people who actually signed up for TIDAL and all its perks. Wherever you satisfied your Kanye fix I’m almost positive you’d grab at the change to have a physical copy, a deluxe copy perhaps, of TLOP. Despite Kanye’s rant via Twitter when he vowed to never sell the album and refuses to make it available anywhere else but TIDAL, inside sources are leading on to something different.

Speaking anonymously to The New York Times, a source close to Ye says there’s some sort of “plan” in the works. This said plan includes “talk of a deluxe physical edition.” Fortunatly for music streaming lovers, this plan also includes placing TLOP on services like Apple and Spotify. Unfortunately  nothing more was said and no specific time frame was mentioned. I’m sure we’re all crossing our fingers on this one as we re-watch Yeezy Season 3 on TIDAL. We’ll keep you posted as more information becomes available.
