Happy Birthday Queen Latifah: A Style Retrospective

Developing initially as a bonafide and refreshing female hip hop MC, Queen Latifah is renowned for being a grounded yet iconic all around media personality. Arguably the first embodiment of female hip hop superstardom, Latifah has cultivated a style all her own costuming herself in freshly hip and later awesomely purposeful and appropriate wear. Firmly embracing a charismatic personality, the star has appeared as a braggadocios and honest form of herself in edgy music videos, hosted a self titled talk show all the while morphing into a host of characters on the big and silver screens. Conjuring up thoughts about Latifah, the word individuality should come to mind and some of her style moves prove this notion to be the case. Here we take a look back at just a few of Latifah’s most striking and representative looks. 

At a tender 19 years of age, the officially named Dana Owens would release her inaugural hip hop album titled All Hail the Queen, introducing the world to a brand new hip hop character. Unmistakably African inspired, Latifah was known to don Cleopatra earrings.