Prince is Going to Dominate the Billboard Charts Next Week

If you’re looking for an explanation as to how it’s possible to live in a Prince-less world, we’re sorry we wasted your time. If you’re here to see Prince slay the charts from the afterlife, right this way please.

The Beautiful One shockingly left us yesterday, but his music will live on forever, and there’s no shortage of it. The legendary performer officially released 39 studio albums, and likely has an abundance of yet-to-be-released materials for forthcoming posthumous releases. Considering the fact that his music was never available for streaming purposes on Apple or Spotify–TIDAL is the only service that has a significant portion of Prince’s discography in their catalog–mourning fans flocked to the iTunes store to purchase past Prince albums, and they’ll torpedo Prince to the #1 spot on The Billboard 200 for the fifth time in his career.

Leading the pack will be the greatest hits album, The Very Best of Prince, which is heading towards moving more than 170,000 sales plus streaming units, despite the limited chart week (the period begins on Friday, which is release day, and ends on Thursday). Right behind it, in the #2 spot, looks to be Prince’s landmark Purple Rain album, which could top 60,000 when it’s all said and done. Several other Prince releases, including The Hits and B-Sides, 1999, Ultimate: Prince and Sign O’ the Times, will impact the top 50 on The Billboard 200. Hits Daily Double reports that over 200,000 albums and 900,000 single tracks were purchased since news broke that Prince passed away.

Purple reign.