Football Player Will Smith’s Killer Claims Self-Defense

The alleged suspect in the murder of defensive-end Will Smith has revealed his actions were a result of self-defense.

A recording of the interview has been made public, where suspect Cardell Hayes tells police he feared for his life after the former New Orleans Saint rammed his car several times then went to get a gun.

Detective Tindell Murdock testified on Friday [June 3], revealing there were no visible signs of injuries that night, however, there was no proof otherwise.

Other officers who were on the scene testified as well. Rookie officer Christopher McGaw, who was off duty and in the area at the time of the incident, claimed he heard a car crash and two men arguing.

McGaw testified he heard the retired NFL lineman say, “Oh, you have a gun? I have one too, I can play that way,” according to Then he said, “shots rang out – several quick shots, a slight pause, then several more.”

The testimony continued, revealing Smith was shot as he reached into his SUV. The gun, the off duty officer heard Smith refer to was found inside the car and had not been fired. It appeared, he was shot in his back and left shoulder, his body had already begun to get cold, when the rookie checked Smith’s pulse.

The judge declined without reasoning to reduce Hayes bail, who is also charged with attempted second degree murder, after shooting and hitting Smith’s wife in both legs.

Trial is set for September 20.