Drizzy is a man of many hats, and his perspective on life that reflects it.
On Monday, the “6God” hit up Nelson Mandela’s Centre Of Memory to talk about his life experiences and how he became the huge international figure he is today. In a room full of anxious eyes and ears, Drake talked of encouragement, goals, and his life before the fame.
“I sat around for a lot of days just thinking about my family and where I’m from and making them proud of me,” said Drake. “We all have some end goal and some dream, and if I can do it, anyone can do it.”
Drake left the crowd stunned with his humble yet timely advice. Johannesburg, South Africa is set to be the backdrop of Drake’s newest video, which hasn’t been named yet. While he was there the city also celebrated National Youth Month Celebrations, prompting the speaking engagement.
Who knows what new Drizzy visual the world is in store for. Johannesburg is known for its entertainment and leisure activities so we may be in for something both “turnt” and serene, a combo Drake pulls off all too well.