The Bad Boys movie franchise may not be getting a third installment, but it’s possibly getting a spinoff television series centered on Gabrielle Union’s character Special Agent Sydney “Syd” Burnett in Bad Boys 2. Syd played Detective Lieutenant Marcus Burnett’s (Martin Lawrence) sister and Detective Lieutenant Mike Lowrey’s (Will Smith) love interest.
Deadline reports that the untitled project is currently being pitched to networks and may land a major commitment. Sony Pictures TV Studio and the Bad Boys’ producer Jerry Bruckheimer are behind the project. Writers include The Blacklist writers-producers Brandon Margolis and Brandon Sonnier.
Although no sources have confirmed, we do know Being Mary Jane is coming to an end so Gabby will be available for the part. The franchise’s third installment was reportedly being filmed months ago but Martin was very doubtful that it will happen after losing a director and a release date. There’s no telling if him or Will will be apart of the series, but it’ll be dope if they are.