Tyrese Sobs on Social Media Ahead of Court Appearance

Let’s all take a moment to send a prayer to Tyrese Gibson right now.

The singer-turned-actor is obviously getting hit real hard with life between his beef with the Fast & Furious franchise, and the legal battles with his ex wife Norma Gibson.

If you haven’t been keeping up with Tyrese’s baby mama drama, he has been away from his 10-year-old daughter, Shayla for 2 months before just recently. Norma is working on a restraining order against him because he allegedly abuses their daughter.

The “Signs of Love Making” singer has been pulling all cards on social media with his custom ‘Shayla Rocks’ hoodie, expressing his undying love for her with a sky banner over her school, but now he’s in desperate need to stay united with his daughter. He posted a video of him being extremely vulnerable ahead of his court appearance. He also doesn’t feel too much support from his rich and famous friends.

Check out the full video: