Last night on Fox 5 Street Soldiers, Janelli Caceres-Pickens, the widow of rapper Chinx spoke out in an exclusive interview with Lisa Evers about NYPD’s investigation and finally seeing her husband’s killers in person. Just days ago, news broke that two suspects were taken into custody for the murder of Chinx, who was gunned down in a drive by shooting almost three years ago.
The two suspects, 32-year-old Quincy Homere and 26-year-old Jamar Hill sought to find and kill Chinx, because of a grudge Homere held after a fight the two engaged in back in September 2009.
Although this is definitely great news, it still somehow managed to raise a few eyebrows. A lot of people, including some celebrities, felt as though Chinx’s murder case was solved ‘too’ quickly. One common reason being that there has been numerous hip-hop murders that went unsolved such as Biggie, Tupac, Jam Master Jay, Big L an more. Janelli told Lisa Evers:
“This is a tip that they have been on for a while. I think that’s another thing that the people don’t know is that they think ‘oh two and half years and all of a sudden they just got somebody.’ No they’ve been chasing this story for quite some time. It’s a matter of just making sure.”
Janelli also mentioned that she plans on attending every court date along with whoever wants to join her, up until the last day. This is great news and we hope that justice continues to be served for Chinx and his family.
#Chinx brave widow Janelli Caceres-Pickens speaks out about the #NYPD investigation & seeing the alleged killers in court #Exclusive #FOX5News 10p @ChrisSobel #fox5ny @fox5ny #hiphop
— Lisa Evers (@LisaEvers) December 21, 2017