Jhene Aiko and Big Sean went on Twitter early Tuesday morning to dismiss rumors that Big Sean cheated on Aiko with Pussycat Dolls lead singer Nicole Scherzinger. The Jasmine Brand, a gossip blog, wrote the exclusive story where their sources confirmed that the Detroit rapper was spotted hanging out with 39-year old Scherzinger at an Oscar’s after-party. The report reveals that the two were “cozied” in the VIP section and when Aiko found out she was “livid.”
The internet immediately picked up on the blog post and with Sean and Jhene not immediately available to respond, the internet as expected ran with the story assuming it was true.
“The internet is a wild place,” Aiko said on Twitter. “It’s a whole other reality.”
This tweet came after the Oakland native denied the blog post that was immediately picked up by other blogs overnight.
“Sorry, but nothing about you guy’s fan fiction stories are true… I still love you tho,” Aiko says on Twitter. Big Sean later retweeted this post with a series of hand clapping emojis.
With this rumor now put to bed, the couple of roughly 2 years is hopefully working on their Twenty88 2 album, a follow up to Sean Don and Penny’s 2016 joint album that Big Sean confirmed would happen in the future.