Starbucks will now allow visitors to use the restroom without a purchase. The policy’s reversal was undoubtedly inspired by the two young Black men who were arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks for waiting for a friend.
CEO Howard Schultz announced this new, breathtakingly inspired idea at the Atlantic Council in Washington D.C. on Thursday night. “We don’t want to become a public bathroom, but we’re going to make the right decision 100 percent of the time and give people the key,” he said.
The arrest become a symbol of racial profiling and discrimination. The men settled for $1 plus a $200,000 fund to nurture young entrepreneurs. Although this was an admirable move, it’s a relief to know they separately settled with Starbucks, as well, for an undisclosed yet hopefully substantial sum.
In addition to the policy modification, about 8,000 Starbucks locations nationwide are scheduled to close on May 29th to hold anti-racial bias training.
We must do more for our employees, more for the communities we serve,” said Schultz in a press release. “And, regardless of the color of your skin, your sexual orientation, your ethnic background, your station in life, we want to welcome you as a customer and we want to welcome you as an employee.
The coffee shop is handling the situation politically correct.