The announcement of Insecure’s renewal has fans highly anticipating the drop date and what’s to come. With rumors circulating and Issa Rae confirming the upcoming season will touch upon the topic of black masculinity, many are excited to watch the newfound storyline.
In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Rae expressed her excitement towards the new plot:
“I love black masculinity as it relates to black women. I think that’s something interesting that we haven’t gotten a chance to explore yet – and specifically toxic male black masculinity as it relates to black women. I’m trying to find a way to explore that and get a rounded storyline that isn’t preachy.”
Of course, despite the positivity the actress was trying to bring to the show, there’s always somebody with something to say. A Twitter troll tweeted his negativity Rae’s way,
“Issa Rae teases Season 3 ‘Insecure’ will be about black masculinity. A topic I bet she thinks she’s an expert on. My guess is she’ll follow the trend of other prominent black women producers/ directors/ writers in filmmaking and promote some sort of f***ery about black men.”
Jay Ellis was not having that. With a quickness, the actor responded and put the troll in his place,
“As a black man who was a part of the first two seasons of @IssaRae and the very diverse writing staff of ‘Insecure’s’ work, I’d have to say STFU. Btw pick your pants up, your toxicity is showing.”
Not only did Ellis fire back but Reagan Gomez poured the gasoline on top before igniting the switch,
“Her show runner is a black man & the writing staff has black men writers. If y’all put HALF the effort into googling as you do into being loud & wrong the world would be a [better] place.”
Check out the Twitter thread below:
As a black man who was a part of the first two seasons of @IssaRae and the very diverse writing staff of “Insecure’s” work, I’d have to say STFU! …btw pick your pants up, your toxicity is showing.
— Jay Ellis (@JayREllis) June 12, 2018
Her show runner is a black man & the writing staff has black men writers. If ya’ll put HALF the effort into googling as you do into being loud & wrong the world would be a bettet place.
— Reagan Gomez (@ReaganGomez) June 11, 2018