Meek Mill’s Hearing for a New Trial Ends With No Decision

The Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia couldn’t come up with a decision on Monday for Meek Mill’s request for a new trial.

The rapper and his legal team have been fighting to remove Judge Genece Brinkley from the case, and June 30th is the deadline to get a new trial scheduled.

“I feel like what went on in the courtroom today is disgraceful,” Meek said on his way out. “There was laughing going on and to me, it’s not really a game.”

Mill’s lawyer Joseph Tacopina said, “I feel like I just left an asylum. That was a kangaroo court if ever I’ve seen one before. You had a judge whose whole purpose today was to try and protect one of the most corrupt cops in Philadelphia history, try and defend him at the expense of the system, at the expense of doing justice.”