Fiend Vapes and Sips On Booze On Plane While In The Air… Spirit Bans Him For Life

When the passenger booked a seat on Spirit airlines, perhaps he thought he could bring his spirits on it and have a little party of his own. Not only that… he started puffing on a vape while he was in his seat. Gangsta or a Fool: You decide.

On a flight to New Orleans, a passenger was banned for life because he could not control his urges for booze and smoke while flying the friendly skies. According to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, the 30-year-old St. Petersburg, Floridian (who traveled from Detroit to the Big Easy) was seen by a flight attendant taking a pull from an electronic cigarette first from his seat (blowing the smoke into a bag, so smart right!!!!) and then going to the restroom to finish his fix there. While at his seat, the attendant told him to stop… but he could not. Instead of stopping, he went to the john and lit up, setting off the smoke alarms. Talking about a fiend…

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The alarm rang out and the pilot made the plane descend to 35,000 feet to shut the alarm off.

As if that was not enough, homie was hiding a couple of bottles of alcohol under his jacket. The person sitting next to him, according to the sherrif’s office, saw him in a WTF moment sipping off and on through-out the flight. He probably was responding to how expensive absolutely everything on Spirit airlines is. He didn’t know the  Federal Aviation Administration rules that states that passengers may drink alcoholic beverages only if served to them by the “certificate holder operating the plane.”

READ MORE: Brawl Breaks Out on Spirit Airlines Flight Over Loud Music

What did homeboy say about his behavior?

He did not know that you could not smoke on airplanes. He also denied ever smoking in the restroom.