DMX sat down for his first interview since his prison release about a year ago and he spoke candidly about his first heartbreak, re-signing with Def Jam Records, and his current relationship with his once abusive mother.

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It was a heavy conversation as X revealed that he only has 20 teeth in his mouth left. Two of them were knocked out when he was 6-years-old after his mother hit him with a broom.

Elsewhere in the conversation he revealed that he didn’t listen to the news and his news source is word of mouth. “I usually hear the news from someone else. Like people talking about a certain story, and then I’m like, “Oh, shit!” There’s just so much shit happening in the world today that it’s crazy. If you just listen to the news all day, you’d be depressed,” he said.


But one of the most funny parts of the interview was DMX revealing that he owned 1,500 Timberland boots over the years. The boot has become apart of his signature look and in true New York fashion, he has them in different flavors.

When asked how many pairs he thought he owned throughout the years he responded, “Fifteen hundred.” The reporter asked, “You’ve owned 1,500 pairs of Timberlands?” For clarification. “Mm-hmm,” the legendary rapper said.

Head over to GQ to read the full interview.