Hans Berglund, former CEO of Tempe fertilizer company Agroplasma has been fired after using a racial slur during a verbal disagreement with an Uber driver.

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The incident occurred this past January when Berglund insisted on sitting in the front seat next to the driver.
Arizona State University student Randy Clarke who’s been an Uber driver for four years picked up Berglund January 31 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Clarke asks Berglund ito sit in the back, because he’s not comfortable after being groped during a past incident. 

Uber driver Randy Clarke

Clarke also had two video cameras in his car that recorded the exchange between the two men. Berglund gets visibly upset and tells Clarke to cancel the ride and says he’ll order another one. Clarke agrees, but Berglund curses, slams the door and gets in the back seat.


“Are you f**king serious with me?” Berglund says, the video shows. The passenger tells Clarke he’ll ride in the back and later file a complaint with Uber.
Clarke then asks Berglund to get out of his car.
“Is this because I’m white? Berglund asks.
“No, sir,” Clarke says.
Berglund responds, “You’re a f**king n****r.” You’re f**king unbelievable.”

Berglund’s attorney stated, “This is extremely out of character for him.”
Berglund “is extremely apologetic and embarrassed and wants to do everything he can to make this as right as he can,” his lawyer, Scott Zwillinger, said.

Watch the video below.