Earlier this week, Nicki Minaj’s husband, Kenneth Petty, was arrested for failing to register as a sex offender in California. As of yesterday (Mar 7), the case against him was dropped.
A representative for the district attorney’s office stated that “The case was dismissed today because he is facing a similar charge in federal court.”
Petty had moved from New York to California in July 2019 and failed to register in California within five days of moving. According to New York State’s Sex Offender Registry, the offender must notify the Division of Criminal Justice Services within ten days of any change of address. Petty was pulled over in Los Angeles in November 2019 for failing to register and was arrested. He was later released on a $20,000 bond.
Petty’s sex offender status stems from a 1995 case where he was convicted of first-degree rape of a sixteen-year-old girl. He was sixteen at the time and served four years in prison.
When Petty was arrested a few days ago in LA on March 4th, he was also indicted by the Federal Government as well. Despite the local charges being dropped, if convicted on the federal level, Petty faces up to ten years in prison.
Petty will be required to wear an ankle monitor and will have a curfew. He also has to give up his passport and cannot travel outside of Southern California.