Ice Cube’s The Big3 to Partner with ‘Big Brother’ Exec Producers to Launch Quarantine Show in May

The Big3 has found a partner for their quarantine reality-show basketball tournament, Endemol, which created the CBS staple Big Brother, Yahoo reports.

With the lack of sports on TV, the league, led by Ice Cube, will aim to ease the pain by producing a quarantine tournament that will places players and referees in a Los Angeles-area home for a three-week tournament. 16 players, which will be tested for coronavirus, are going to be involved in the tournament. The tournament can also include the best female players.

The show is tentatively titled Big Brother: Big3 and expected to be available for viewers in the first week of May. The show will be executive produced by the producers of Big Brother and the Big3 staff.


Big Brother: Big 3 would not end with the coronavirus, instead it would extend into future years as a preseason tournament.

The home for the tournament is currently constructing a gym for the show. The full Big3 season is set for June 20 in Memphis.