Texas Set to Reopen Malls, Restaurants, Movie Theaters by Friday Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

As other states are cautiously, yet some say prematurely reopening non-essential businesses, Texas is joining the reopening wave as the Lone Star state prepares to lift the stay-at-home order and reopen movie theaters, malls, and restaurants.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott says that business must operate on a 25% capacity in “Phase 1”, but “Phase 2”, which could come as soon as May 18, will allow businesses to operate at a 50% capacity.

“Now it’s time to set a new course, a course that responsibly opens up business in Texas, […] Just as we united as one state to slow COVID-19, we must also come together to begin rebuilding the lives and the livelihoods of our fellow Texans,” saud Gov. Abbott.


Critics condemn the reopening, claiming that the decision was made too early as new COVID-19 cases continue to pop up daily in Texas.