Louisiana Mother Has Been Involved in a Six Person Murder-Suicide

A mother has been involved in a six-person murder after shooting her neighbor, four kids, and then herself.  

The shooting occurred it happened on the evening of June 11, 2020, at Parkview Apartments located in Monroe Louisiana. 

 KNOE reports, the shooter, Brittany Tucker, encountered the first victim, identified as 20-year-old neighbor Antisha Logwood, and asked her “What are you laughing at?” before shooting and killing her.


Police say Tucker then went back to her apartment and shot and killed four of her children.

The children were identified as Tremayne Tucker, 12; Treshelle Tucker, 8; Treasure Tucker, 5; and Gloria Tucker, 5 months old.

Tucker, who purchased the gun legally is believed to have been dealing with mental issues. Days prior to the shooting she had been seen waving the gun around the apartment complex.