Dr. Trev aims to bring smiles to the biggest faces in hip hop and those who watch them

A look through a day in the life of Dr. Trevor Thomas will show some cold efficiency, delivered in warm smiles and an affable personality. Serving in a profession that most people are already fearful of… he does his best to change the narrative.

As the owner of Corona Hills Modern Dentistry and Orthodontics, he is invested in people and wants to get their smile to be at its best. At 30, this dentist has his sight set. Having worked on numerous A-class acts and personalities in the arts and entertainment industry, Dr. Trevor is convinced that the gospel of the mouth-body connection must be preached to all.

He does not like to be branded as a “Celebrity Dentist;” however, he believes this network and influence can be used to shed light on the importance of oral health and will help him see more smiles get restored. The drawback he finds sometimes however is that patient’s believe he may be inaccessible financially. Dr. Thomas aims to bring A-list dentistry to those from all walks of life… in both an affordable and quality manner. In the end, he wants to be remembered as a person who gave his all. He hopes his legacy will be those smiles he helped make even better.


While he is motivated by the fact that people can walk in with a less than perfect smile and they can be fixed up after a few sessions, he finds fulfillment in the fact that he gives his absolute best to every client that works through the doors. Being in practice ownership, he has learned that the key to success is to believe that the impossible is nothing.

His life story is the classic American dream unfolding, one where will power defeats adversity. He truly holds that “it takes a village to raise a child,” and accredits his successes to the love, support, and uplift of those he has met on this journey called life. Dr. Trevor learned the value of public service early on being surrounded by loved ones who truly held that their mission on Earth is to serve God through service to others. He wants those with similar upbringings as his to realize that “with perseverance and dedication… their options are limitless.” Up next, Dr. Thomas aims to spread love by training future generations of dentists grounded by a “patient-first” mindset.