Met with unpredictable obstacles at an early age, Tony Chang and his family spent most of his childhood relocating among various southern California Cities before finally settling in Ranchos Palos Verdes, where Chang would finish out his primary education. Upon his high school graduation, Chang would soon be met with the new uncertainty of choosing a career path. Initially deciding to pursue a graduate’s degree, it was not until Chang read Rich Dad Poor Dad, the personal finance book by Robert Kiyosaki, that he decided to pursue a life of financial freedom. Chang chose to drop out of school with this epiphany and begin a new chapter of his life.
A chance encounter with the CEO of Ablaze International, a well-established jewelry corporation, pointed a lost Tony Chang in the right direction. Spending nearly six years with Ablaze, Tony learned the jewelry industry’s ins and outs and was now well equipped to break away and finally pursue a business that was all his own. In 2018, Tony Chang founded Super Jewelry Co and began life as his own boss. “I sell Fine Real 10K and 14K gold jewelry, create custom jewelry, and motivate aspiring entrepreneurs to create a revenue stream of their own,” Chang shares of his company. Building a brand that puts the clients first, Super Jewelry Co acts as your friend before approaching you as your jeweler.
Super Jewelry Co is thriving with a strong brand identity and looking to expand to a broader market. Putting the customers first has built a feeling of reliability and trustworthiness around the Super Jewelry name and Tony’s personal brand. “I put myself out there for the world to see,” Chang made clear. “I get back to my clients within 24 hours after they have contacted me. I make it easy for them to do business with me by interacting with them as I would a friend.” With a wise head on his shoulders, Tony Chang has the ability to take Super Jewelry Co global, and he is looking to do just that.