Ice Cube Says Warner Bros Won’t Make More ‘Friday’ Sequels

Fans of the Friday franchise have been patiently waiting for the release of the next installment, Last Friday. The last installment in the franchise was greenlit in 2017, however, the future of the movie remains uncertain after the deaths of John Witherspoon and Tommy Lister. Ice Cube took aim at Warner Bros. on Twitter, claiming that they’re the reason why there haven’t been any more Friday movies.

#freefriday from the jaws of Warner Bros. who refuses to make more sequels. They have hi-jacked the happiness of the culture,” Ice Cube posted.

According to sources, Warner Bros. has no interest in expanding the Friday franchise. Ice Cube has grown frustrated with the studio and wants to take expand the franchise at another studio, however, Warner Bros. will not release the rights to the franchise.

This has not been the first time Cube has come out against the studios for not supporting production on the film. After the death of John Witherspoon, Cube took aim at New Line Cinema for their lack of help during the film’s production, saying “You let our legends die.”