Whether it is a missed deadline, failed interview, or calculation error, there are many setbacks in life that make it hard to attain our goals. However, as James Dooley shows us, failure does not have to be the end of the road. Depending on your approach, it can be your stepping stone to financial freedom.

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James has had many setbacks and even lost huge sums of money. He notes that it wasn’t easy when he started his journey as a digital nomad, especially when launching his SEO agency. James didn’t have all the necessary resources, and he had no degree or experience in the field. But he didn’t give up. He learned from his mistakes and used them as an opportunity to become better in his trade.

Today, James is a well-known internet marketer and serial entrepreneur who has built up multiple 7-figure businesses. He is the founder of the top digital marketing company PromoSEO Ltd and the co-founder of Boomtown Gaming Group. He is also the owner and CEO of JMD Property Developments Ltd, among many other successful ventures.


“Failure does not mean that you should stop trying,” says James. Instead, it is a sign to try even harder and step out of your comfort zone. When James set up his first venture, and it didn’t go as he had expected, while it was frustrating, he didn’t let his negative thoughts win. He invested in market research and surrounded himself with like-minded individuals who guided him in his journey.

He explains that the network he has built over the years has greatly helped him reach the top, as it is through their shared experiences that he can avoid common pitfalls. James has also partnered with many of his colleagues to build businesses that are changing the entrepreneurial space and assisting others in attaining financial and time freedom. 

James has developed over 300 websites that do a rank-and-rent model to contractors in the UK, helping them with lead generation. He has also collaborated with his brothers to establish a traditional marketing agency, PromoMedia, and start a horse racing syndicate, Dooley Thoroughbreds.

According to James, the number one secret to success is your mindset. He explains that while there are some situations you have no control over, how you approach each one will determine your next move. Rather than blaming his failures, James has used them as lessons, and he has fulfilled his dreams. He now shares valuable tips to help others live a digital nomad lifestyle and expand their ventures.

His advice to fellow entrepreneurs is to remain focused on their goals and invest in careers they love, as their passion will be their biggest driving force, especially when failure comes knocking. James adds the importance of building your venture on the virtues of honesty and integrity, noting that it will help you easily establish trust with your employees and your target audience.

Sometimes failure is inevitable, but as James shows us, you shouldn’t let any situation stop you from making your dreams a reality. He notes that not succeeding does not mean that you failed, but it is another chance to try again and come back better.