Singer-songwriter John Harter created The War Within. John has struggled with depression his whole life, a symptom of his bipolar disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. John struggled to accept that there could be a higher meaning to his existence for the majority of his life until he decided to put his faith in God. John felt called to pursue a career in music when he first began his walk with Jesus, not only to worship the God he loves but also to encourage other struggling believers. He yearned to be an artist, to pursue his true calling, and to share the gift of music with others. He discovered that music served as a means to both maintain his sanity and foster meaningful relationships with others.

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Writing songs is a great way to face your deepest fears and shed light on how to move forward with a more optimistic outlook. John doesn’t really have a set creative process, but he does like to begin with melodies and come up with lyrics as he goes. Following his “muse,” as he puts it, is all about finding happiness in the creative process for him. Sometimes lyrical ideas come to him in the form of a single line, and other times he finds inspiration in the organic progression of a chord progression.

Through this endeavor, The War Within realized he has company in his struggle.  Not only did music help him cope with his feelings, but it also allowed him to find common ground with others going through similar experiences. The songs on The War Within feel like an incredible synthesis of John’s two most important life themes—introspection and the search for God. The War Within is an exploration of God and humanity through cover songs and original compositions. Songs like “Crisis of Faith,” a career high point, explore the precarious nature of this relationship. In the midst of tragedy, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that God is ever-present and ever-active, protecting us even when we can’t see him. The music of The War Within serves as a gentle reminder that our existence isn’t random or without purpose. God wants to walk with us, but we have to be receptive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Bible.


The War Within has never been more interesting than it is right now. One of the project’s covers, “What A Saviour,” was chosen by the Spotify editorial team for an editorial feature and was also featured as the featured track on the “New Music Friday Christian” playlist. The feature unquestionably helped The War Within gain more exposure and spread its beautiful music to a wider audience. The War Within has come a long way in its mission to reach the lost and comfort the hurting, and being featured in an editorial by such a successful streaming platform is a tremendous honor.

The artist’s latest EP, “Just Hold On,” is a decidedly upbeat turnaround from the more melancholy tones he explored in late 2021 and early 2022. John sings, “In my darkness, in my loss, in my failing, You’re still good to me,” a line that may be the most heartfelt in the entire four-song EP.

The release of the 40-song album hereafter is one of his crowning achievements. The album features a wide range of artists who worked together to give it greater depth and breadth. It was a massive undertaking for The War Within to coordinate sessions with so many talented musicians and finish so many songs over the course of several months and release this album. The effort was well worth it, as the album is a masterwork and an impressive creative statement from an artist with genuine enthusiasm for the Christian music scene.

Read up on The War Within and keep up with the artist’s latest tracks, EPs, and live shows.

Website: The War Within
YouTube: The War Within – YouTube
Instagram: The War Within – Instagram
Spotify: The War Within on Spotify

About The Author

Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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