In a groundbreaking collaboration, Travis Scott, Bad Bunny, and The Weeknd have released the highly-anticipated music video for their new single “K-POP,” directed by Travis Scott himself. The release comes just ahead of Travis Scott’s fourth studio album, UTOPIA.

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“K-POP” brings together three of the biggest superstars in the music industry and has been eagerly awaited by fans since it was first teased earlier this year. The video opens up the world of UTOPIA and showcases Travis Scott’s remarkable evolution and growth as a performer, songwriter, producer, and collaborator.

With this new release, Travis Scott reaffirms his position as a trailblazing force in the music world, pushing the boundaries of sonic innovation and solidifying his status as a cultural icon. “K-POP” is a testament to Travis Scott’s unparalleled talent and showcases his unique sound that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.


Travis Scott’s highly anticipated album, UTOPIA, promises to be the biggest musical moment of the year. With a 3-D immersive experience and live debut in front of the Pyramids of Egypt in Giza on July 28, it’s set to be unforgettable. Tickets are available at

Travis Scott’s UTOPIA is now available for pre-order at, featuring five unique album covers in vinyl, CD, and merchandise box sets. The highly anticipated album follows the success of his record-breaking ASTROWORLD in 2018, which topped the Billboard 200 chart and delivered the hit single “SICKO MODE” featuring Drake, reaching #1 on the Billboard Hot 100.

About The Author

Senior Editor

Shawn Grant is a Chicago native and the Senior Editor of The Source Magazine. He can only be found on Instagram and Twitter at @shawnxgrant.

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