One thing is for certain. If you want to challenge Evidence or Alchemist to something anything, you better step your game up. In their first video off of Lord Steppington (1/21/14), the Step Brothers see who really is the step master at not just the bleachers but beer chugging, Jenga, DDR, and bottle to head smashing. And that’s not all of it. Watch the video below and keep tally, if you’re into that kind of thing, to see who comes out with the W.
Whatever you do, just don’t invite them over for dinner.
Pre-order the album HERE. It will have features from Action Bronson, Roc Marciano, Blu, Fashawn, Rakaa Iriscience, Oh No, Styles P, Domo Genesis, and The Whooliganz. Yes, The Whooliganz.
Directed by Jason Goldwatch.
Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)