Hilarious “Bound 2” Photoshopped Pictures

article-0-1987CDE900000578-881_634x511No longer than a couple of hours after the “Bound 2” music video debuted, photoshop wizard Photodini took the responsibility in creating one of a kind pictures.

No bounds are known by KimYe’s love. Kanye West’s new music video “Bound 2” has him on a moving motorcycle through the dessert, simulating what looks like either a very bumpy ride or sex with his baby-mama/wife-to-be Kim Kardashian. Kanye West and director Nick Night went through great lengths to capture visual art in “Bound 2,” however, it’s Photodini who applied those now iconic shots of Kanye and Kim to other locations. Everything from the grasp of King Kong to riding in a carriage, you’ll see from these pictures Kanye and Kim can’t keep their hands off each other.



Roller coaster lovin’. Talk about adrenaline.