Send A Package: Chris Barrett


Sending packages to loved ones who are incarcerated can be a time consuming process.  The New York State Department of Corrections has 20 pages long list, detailing what is permitted inside of it’s correctional facilities. Chris Barrett, founder and former inmate is familiar with this process and after having to deal with his own family member being incarcerated (his brother) he developed Send A Package, a company that allows families to shop online and through catalog for items to be shipped to various correctional facilities in New York. The items sold on the site have all been chosen in advance to adhere to the extensive directives of the corrections department. The site really simplifies the ordering process. Recently, Mr. Barrett even managed to persuade Universal to manufacture an exclusive supply of R&B and hip-hop tapes, which puts current music on cassette tapes. With a commitment to helping families of the incarcerated, Send A Package also supports In Arms Reach, an organization which offers Counseling & Visitation Services for Children of Incarcerated Parents.

