ESPN Just Can’t Get Enough Of LeBron James, Catches Heat For It Too!


A tweet is worth a thousand words. Don’t believe us? Just ask the guys behind @ESPNStatsInfo and @TheCavsNation.

Many people are beginning to notice the swelling amount of attention two-time NBA champion LeBron James has been recieving on the court. Now it’s everywhere. Despite losing to the Indiana Pacers last night (3.26), King James was still –thanks to ESPN— associated with a team that won: The Cleveland Cavaliers.

Nowadays, when it comes to the Cavs and LeBron it’s usually a rumor about him returning to his hometown team after his upcoming free agency this summer.

But this time, ESPN may have taken it too far with the tweet below:

Definitely not a good look for the Cavs supporters still sore from the loss of the phenom. Especially Cavs Nation. They follow up with:

But it doesn’t stop there. They, then, begin the hashtag #TweetLike @ESPNStatsInfo.

And more recently:

-Jamaal Fisher (@jamaalfisher)