Teen Could Face Life In Prison For Weed Brownies

brownies21n-3-webWhen weed takes away your freedom for life, literally…


While citizens of Colorado are enjoying and profiting from this plant named marijuana. It’s quite unbelievable that less than 800 miles away in Texas, 19-year-old Jacob Lavoro  could be potentially facing a felony charge and a five-year to life sentence in prison for basically doing the same thing.When Round Rock police came upon the young man in April, they found a pound of weed, 1.5 of the baked goods, digital scales, 145 grams of hash oil, $1,675 in cash and baggies of marijuana.Although he has no record of ever being in any trouble involving the law. Prosecutors can still combine the total weight of the weed filled treats in the charge because he used hash oil in the brownies. Hash oil is known to have a higher percentage of THC content and that’s what is prosecuted more harshly than the regular ol pot . The teen’s father and attorney both agree that the penalty does not fit the alleged crime.


– Asada Nicome ( @SadaBlu )




“It’s outrageous, it’s crazy! I don’t understand it,” the teen’s father, Joe Lavoro, told KEYE-TV after a recent court appearance. “Five years to life? I’m sorry, I’m a law abiding citizen. I’m a conservative. I love my country. I’m a Vietnam veteran, but I’ll be damned … this is wrong, this is damn wrong!”


“I was outraged,” the teen’s attorney, Jack Holmes, told the news station. “I’ve been doing this 22 years as a lawyer and I’ve got 10 years as a police officer and I’ve never seen anything like this before.”