NBA Flash Mobs Invade Eastern and Western Confernce Finals Cities

 Memphis Grizzlies v Oklahoma City Thunder - Game Five

Have you guys heard that new A Sky Full of Stars track by Coldplay?

Have you been keeping a keen eye to the NBA’s Eastern Conference Finals between the Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat and the Western Conference Finals matchup between the San Antonio Spurs and Oklahoma City Thunder?

If you are in tune with everything mentioned, you’ll love this: Today, the NBA launched simultaneous flash mobs in all Conference Final cities, set to “A Sky Full of Stars,” the latest hit song from multi-Grammy Award winning band Coldplay.

The synchronized basketball-dribbling flash mobs occurred today at 1pm ET in New York City in the Flatiron district. The dribbling flashmob also took place in Miami at the Bayside Market Place, in San Antonio at the La Cantera Mall. The dribbling flash mob continued in Oklahoma City at the Centennial Commons in Bricktown and in Indianapolis at the Monument Plaza.

One by one, 4 pedestrians began the performance, revealing themselves to the crowd with skilled dribbling. 95 others join them, dribbling basketballs in a synchronized dance.

All of this to celebrate the NBA Playoffs!

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