Exclusive: Watch Amir Obe’s New Video For “Hennessy Breath”

There are quite a few words that adequately describe Amir Obe, but sentimental is not one of them. During his frequent travels between Detroit and Brooklyn, hence the name of his acclaimed mixtape Detrooklyn, he never picked up any empathy for any of the females he met, or at least that what he wants us to believe in his latest video. “Hennesy Breath” finds Obe reveling in his womanizing ways, boasting that the next day he will be “past tense”. Over a syrupy beat, he lays the game down to any future partners. It is a great track for any player out there.

To cement his loner status, he heads to wintry mountain to shoot the video. Visually, it is stunning, with snow capped tops and beautifully rendered snow flakes all over. Obe standing in a middle of a lake betrays his anti-romantic feelings, but does provided an interesting juxtaposition. Check out the video above and make sure you head to his soundcloud, to pick up his mixtape Detrooklyn.

Just Jimi, @Nativejimi