Frustration boils over in New York City
Just over 2 hours ago, St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch announced that a grand jury decided not to indict shamed Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protests are happening all over the nation as we speak, with solemn images of a saddened and defiant nation coming in from Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, and several other prominent American cities.
New York City has yet another NYPD crisis of its own, with the “accidental discharge” incident that resulted in the death of 28-year old Akai Gurley, and it won’t be soon before long before the public demands action be taken against the police officer, who’s peculiar account involves him being “startled” by the entrance of the unarmed man into the stairwell he was patrolling, causing the accidental gunshot. Today, a medical examiner ruled Gurley’s death a homicide.
While walking through a crowd of protesters in Times Square, New York City moments ago, NYPD Commisisoner Bill Bratton–who came out over the weekend and called Gurley’s death an “accident”–was sprayed with fake blood after a protester threw a bag of it at him and his entourage. The person responsible for the bag being thrown has reportedly been attained, and a bystander managed to catch a short video of the aftermath of the fake blood being thrown.
Not to mention, the chilling image below.