Reports Released That Germanwings Flight 9525 Co-Pilot Had Suicidal Past

This investigation is becoming worse and worse by the minute. New reports were released yesterday and it doesn’t look good at all. There is no evidence that has been released revealing that the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had a motive for doing what he did, but it has released that he suffered from suicidal tendencies at one point before his aviation career.

The prosecutor’s office in Dusseldorf, Germany, emphasized that there is no evidence that suggests that Lubitz was suicidal or acting aggressively before the crash. As we all know reports have been going out that Lubitz locked the captain out the cockpit and crashed the plane on purpose on Tuesday into the French Alps, killing 150 people.

Investigators didn’t find any writings or conversations where Lubitz shared his motives or confessed to any plans but medical records are demonstrating that Lubitz was suicidal at one point in his life before he became a pilot and went to psychotherapy. Other media outlets have been saying that Lubitz should have been deemed unfit to fly by doctors, even though there were no physical illnesses found.

Well this definitely shows that France and Germany are looking into everything, and not determining anything out of the equation.


-Bri Christian (@brirezy)