Kevin Durant Reportedly Confided in Kendrick Perkins About Free Agency, Made Him Sign Confidentiality Form

Though Kendrick Perkins‘ proper role in the Thunder’s offense was often questioned, there’s no hiding that OKC superstar Kevin Durant valued his presence on the team, and considered Perkins one of the team’s emotional leaders during his Oklahoma City tenure.

Which make this story not so hard to believe.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Perkins was asked about his former teammate Durant’s forthcoming decision–Durant will be a free agent this summer, free to either re-sign with the team that drafted him in 2007, or depart for a better chance at an NBA title–and he had a bit of a bombshell admission to make about previous conversations that he’d had with KD on the matter. Per ESPN:


“But he did shoot some teams out there that he made me sign a confidentiality form that I couldn’t tell nobody. He’s got a few teams that he will be looking at.”

Perkins was asked if he’d be surprised if Durant considered Boston.

“You’re trying to get me to really answer the question,” Perkins said. “I can’t answer that. I want to, but I can’t. I mean, I don’t know. I do know, but I don’t know.”

Wait, he made you sign a confidentiality form, Perkins? That sounds like someone who’s revealed something that he absolutely doesn’t want anyone ever hearing. Like, ‘I’m probably going to leave if we don’t win a championship’.

It’s all speculation at this point, but that’s an eye-opening detail from KP.