Tupac put the moves on a high school classmate back in the day, and his love letter is now up for sale.

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The letter, written in 1988, is addressed to a girl he nicknamed Beethoven in his high school drama class. When Tupac moved from Baltimore to the girl’s California school, Beethoven says they found solace in each other, both being “outsiders.”

Tupac writes in the letter, “I really get good vibes from you,” and, “I want you to know that you can tell me anything if you ever need a shoulder to cry on,” before revealing, “my heart always leads me too fast and that’s probably why I always get hurt.”


Perhaps the letter’s cutest moment is this Tupac line: “We have so much in common. We both love Prince, we both have had heart break, and we both adore candles!”

The letter, along with a personal written explanation from Beethoven, are now up for sale: reportedly for $35,000.

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