Watch the Actual Final Trailer For ‘Suicide Squad’

The producers of this movie just want to see us squirm.

For the better part of the last year we’ve seen teaser teaser the blockbuster film Suicide Squad, dubbed as a showcasing of the “worst heroes ever,” starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto. We’ve seen brief, 30-second clips, character focus clips, and most recently, a short tutorial on just what makes Smith’s character, Deadshot, so intriguing.


With the movie out on August 5, many believed last week’s exclusive clip of Deadshot would have been the final teaser, and those people were wrong. We now have another extended trailer, that gives viewers more of a look into the movie’s hotly-coveted soundtrack, featuring Rick Ross, Skrillex and more. And, it also looks like potentially the best damn movie of 2016.

Check it out above.