Alfred Banks Grapples With Brother’s Schizophrenia In “The Funeral Of Orlandas Banks”

Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, rapper Alfred Banks is taking the motif of the concept album into a new direction, using his late brother’s struggle with mental illness and his eventual suicide as inspiration.

On the CZA-produced lead single “The Funeral of Orlandas Banks,” Alfred recreates his brother’s memorial. Of that day, Alfred says “It was the first time I saw any of my family in six years, and it was also the last time I saw them.” Somehow able to draw strength from the highly emotional states of his mother and brother as well as his stepfather and Orlandas’ father, Alfred expresses relief that his brother’s suffering ended. “No amount of medication could really get rid of his schizophrenia,” he explains.

On the album, each song serves as an individual chapter examining the development of schizophrenia in Alfred himself. Though he doesn’t suffer from the illness in real life, the album’s concept serves to illustrate the steps in the disease in an effort to educate others about how schizophrenia can manifest itself.


Alfred has teamed up with NAMI New Orleans, (the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness)  for the release of The Beautiful to help raise awareness of mental health issues, particularly in communities of color. Meghan Goldbeck, Development Director of NAMI New Orleans, says of the partnership “mental Illness impacts one in five individuals in a given year, yet there is still much stigma around the issue. NAMI New Orleans is excited to partner with Alfred Banks to help promote awareness on the mental health issues that affect our community.”

Stream/download “The Funeral of Orlandas Banks”: