Shanti Arielle Is “Right Back” With New Single For The Summer

Attention, vulnerable music is in style right now, and Shanti Arielle throws out a great one to keep it going. “Right Back” takes us on a journey of emotions from the young singer. She speaks about the commonality of friends in a guy’s ear, promoting doubt about his girl. She stands firm in her position though, telling her muse, “if you love me, you know that I’ll love you right back.” A song about reciprocity. We all know that the concept of reciprocity in music, can be directly traced back to the great Lauryn Hill. With Shanti Arielle’s versatility, her amazing pen, her thought provoking lyrics, her vulnerability, but her strength, she’s definitely going to receive comparisons to greats as her career evolves.

“Right Back” has potential to bubble through the Summer. It can also be one of those records that transition well into August as the school year opens back up. We all know on campus relationships in college are filled with holes. Shanti expresses these holes in an eloquent manner on “Right Back”. Possibly using her own life story to convey such a strong message, maybe she just has a great pen, and writes lyrics that are easy to relate to. We all know that Beyonce has emerged as the world’s biggest artist from a similar practice. Whatever the practice is, Shanti Arielle delivered in a major way, and we’re looking forward to hearing more from her.

Listen to Shanti Arielle’s new single, “Right Back” 
