Trump Supporters Send Angry Tweets To Levar Burton Instead Of Lavar Ball

LLeVar Burton, the actor who’s best known for his past work in “Reading Rainbow” and “Roots,” is getting bombarded with angry tweets from Trump fans who have mistaken him for LaVar Ball.

LaVar Ball, the father of UCLA basketball player LiAngelo Ball, whom President Donald Trump helped release after he got caught shoplifting in China, has been in a public feud with Trump for the past several days. In particular, President Trump felt disrespected that Ball didn’t personally thank him for helping his son get out of a potential prison sentence.

However, none of this has anything to do with LeVar Burton, the former “Star Trek” star who simply happens to share a first name with Ball.

This hasn’t stopped furious Trump supporters from calling Burton “ungrateful” after they watched interviews of LaVar Ball on CNN and Fox News Tuesday morning.

On Twitter, the mild-mannered Burton responded to a tweet that mistook him for Ball by calling it “one of the many sleights I am having to endure these days.”