Boys Scouts Are Set to Welcome Girls Next Year

The Boy Scouts of America, in its effort to interest young ladies, reported on Wednesday that it would drop the “Boy” from its namesake program next February. The century-old association said that it would begin inviting more established young ladies, opening an entryway for them to acquire the association’s most noteworthy rank of Eagle Scout.

The organization will now be known as Scout BSA. The change was announced as part of the organization’s new Scout Me In marketing campaign, which features girls and boys. Michael Surbaugh, the chief executive of the Boy Scouts of America, an umbrella organization that will retain its name, said in a statement:

As we enter a new era for our organization, it is important that all youth can see themselves in scouting in every way possible. That is why it is important that the name for our scouting program for older youth remain consistent with the single name approach used for the Cub Scouts.

What are your thoughts on this progressive change?