This is the second time that Beyonce has posted on her Instagram story. She posted the “Before I Let Go” challenge of her fans doing the new cookout dance for the summer!
Queen Bey did the cover of Maze and Frankie Beverly original song “Before I Let Go” but made it a Louisiana bounce that Memphis producer Tay Keith orchestrated. It has almost been a week that she released the HOMECOMING film of her Coachella performance on Netflix followed by a LIVE album with three new songs: “I Been On,” Blue Ivy’s version of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and a cover of “Before I Let Go.”
Peep the post she posted below.
Beyoncé just posted a new Instagram story. #BeforeILetGoChallenge
— BEYONCÉ LEGION (@BeyLegion) April 23, 2019
THIS THE NEW WAVE!!! ? #BeforeILetGoChallenge This is @ImFabron btw.
— KING B (@KINGBEYDON) April 20, 2019
— #BeyonceHomecoming (@theyoncehub) April 23, 2019