Doja Cat announced on Friday that she is dropping her second album this month. The “Tia Tamera” rapper is dropping Hot Pink on November 7th.
She also released the tracklist for the LP which will give fans 12 new songs with features from Tyga and Smino. Doja has one other feature on the album but it is blurred out.
“My heart is f—ing pounding and I know a lot of these song titles aren’t ones you guys are familiar with. You know I love teasing stuff but I wanted to surprise you so here it is,” Doja wrote on Instagram. Doja Cat dropped the visual for her song “Rules” late October and currently has more than 7 million views on YouTube.
The Los Angeles born rapper blew up in 2018 with her viral song “Mooo” that currently has 57 million views on YouTube. The song’s comedic element turned Doja into a viral sensation, but a year later she’s still thriving making music.