Waka Flocka Says He is Dedicating His Life to Suicide Prevention

Waka Flocka Flame found a new cause to put his full effort into and its something that is personal to him. The Atlanta rapper said on Twitter Monday night that he is going to join the fight for mental wellness.

“I’m officially dedicating my life to suicide prevention and mental illness!!! Y’all not alone Waka Flocka Flame is with y’all now,” Flocka tweeted.

If there was any cause that the Atlanta native would get behind it makes sense that it’s suicide prevention. In 2013, Flocka’s younger brother Kayo committed suicide after a battle with depression. He was 22-years-old.


Flocka’s mother and artist manager Deb Antney had been on board with suicide prevention since the loss of her young son. Antney founded the No R.I.P. (Reckless internet posting) Foundation as a response to Kayo’s passing with the goal of creating more responsible news stories on gossip and blog sites.