Jennifer Lopez Faces Criticism For Calling Herself a ‘Black Girl From The Bronx’

While many Spanish-speaking people in New York City will quickly identify or assimilate themselves among their peers as Black people, pop star Jennifer Lopez is facing a stream of backlash for her reference to herself as a “Black girl from the Bronx” in the song “Lonely” with Colombian singer Maluma.

In the lyrics of the song, J. Lo sings “tu Negrita del Bronx,” which in English says, “I’ll always be your black girl from the Bronx…” A clip from the song’s official video with Lopez singing the controversial lyrics has now made a celebratory revolution in the blogosphere because “Jenny From The Block” has never really claimed or referenced herself as Black in the past.

Both fans and critics have called out Lopez on Twitter, using her “n***a lyric on “I’m Real” with Ja Rule as support of their argument.