Listen to the lyrics of any verse from your favorite artist (both women and men) and they are all chanting the same idea more or less-’Cute Face, Slim Waist with a big behind.’  So it’s no surprise that we see our favorites working hard to achieve just that. And as of late, the go to accessory to accompany this waist snatching routine is the waist trainer. Waist trainers are made from thick elastic fabric with laces, velcro, or hooks to keep it strapped around your midsection. More constricting than a spanx but less stiff than those old-school corsets worn back in the day.  They claim to eliminate fat, slim the waist, straighten your posture, strengthen your core and rid your body of those unattractive love handles if worn regularly.  They are turning extreme body goals into the must have workout companion,  but do they really work? 

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Ming Lee Simmons working out in a What Waist band

Waist trainers are made to increase heat and sweat around the stomach, leading to water weight loss.  And depending on how tight they hook around your waist, their job is to mold and train your waist into a smaller hourglass version of its former self.  “There’s water weight loss, yes, but the whole concept is that there’s enough elasticity in our skin and our bodies. If you restrict anything in a particular way, you can mold it in that way.” Says Dr. Racael Ross in an interview with Fader Magazine.  Basically, it’s like moving the fat around to deliver the look you want.  “The human body is very adaptable, and, within reason and moderation, [waist training] is not that different from stretching your earlobes,” she says.


The truth is, this hourglass figure won’t stick around. A blog post published in the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) states that waist training won’t make any drastic changes to your body shape and any hourglass figure formed will be short-lived.  To sum it up, it won’t permanently cinch your waist to the gods, but in our case every little bit helps so we’ll take it!  The hashtag #waistrainer is attached to over 1 million posts and some of the top brands used by our favorite celebs are What Waist Official;  and Waist Snatcher 

Take a look at how some of our favorites are using them:  

Dream Doll pairs her Wasit Snatcher with healthy eatting habits and a green juice

Eve, Naturi Naughton & Brandy stay snatched in What Waist bands while in rehearsals for Queens
Reginae Carter working it out in her What Waist band