Recording Artist Cheyrell Used Her Life Struggles As Fuel For Her Music Career

Cheyrell entered the foster system when she was barely 2 years old. Life took a tumultuous turn; she was met with sexual abuse at a foster home at such a tender time in her life when she was supposed to be safe. Faced with a daunting start to life, Cheyrell vividly recalls the pervading feeling of abandonment and despair until she met the Smiths. Cheyrell mentions that not only did Michael and Maunita Smith become her adoptive parents, but immediately recognized her raw and pure talent for singing through her love for worship as she began singing the in the church and school choirs

Adolescence still proved difficult for Cheyrell who was still plagued by childhood problems and the disconnect from her biological family. A self-described ‘rebel’, Cheyrell pointedly remembered the near-death experience at the hands of her 1st boyfriend while she was pregnant which drove her refuge deep within her Christian faith at Faith Miracle Temple summer camp.

Inspired by the church, Cheyrell forged her trauma into the driving force for her music, which she intends to use as a beacon for others struggling with their faith. Cheyrell adopted a verse, Philippians 4:13 as her mantra:  “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” She plans on releasing a lot of new music and videos in 2022 and wishes to inspire more children who experienced similair life tramuas. 


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