Bling Bling! Look At Alabama’s National Championship Rings


Bling Bling (Lil Wayne voice)

Watch out they might blind ya, just kidding they won’t it’s not real diamond. The rings may not be real diamond, but Alabama’s rings for winning the 2012 National Championship are a sight to see. Focusing on their dominance the top of the ring features the three coaches’ trophies that Alabama has held since 2009. The side features the lopsided score of 42-14; giving the ring a flashy appeal with a subtle flex to it.


Why I said the ring is not made with real diamonds is because the ring is made with cubic zirconia. The ring is made with cubic zirconia because the NCAA only allows a spending limit of $2,000 per ring, that and the NCAA doesn’t want the kids selling the rings.

What do you think of the rings?

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)